The Let's Play Archive

Sunless Sea

by Black Wombat

Part 8: The Inner-Sea Loop, part two.

Journal entry 07 – The Inner-Sea Loop, part two

The Journal of Captain Petra Blackwood

Some entries expunged

December 27th, 1887 -

The first leg of our trip home has been rather quiet. We left the funging station in the early morning, and sailed west-by-northwest. We sailed for almost a day – along we way, we encountered a small pirate ship that did not get out of our way fast enough. We discovered a remarkable crate of fabric in the wreckage, and I trust it will fetch a good price – although I almost wish I could just keep it and stare at the patterns. They are enthralling.

This afternoon, we arrived at the Salt Lions. Massive structures, which predate London significantly – and, if I don't miss my guess, will outlive it as well, despite our best efforts. The monuments are surrounded by a delicate lattice of boards and metal rods that support men prying free stones with crude tools.

Like always, I made careful note of the things I thought would be of interest to the admiralty. I then ascended to the top of the northern Sphinx. From here I could hear someone, someone very distant, as though they were whispering. I couldn't make out the words, but I could make out the intent, and by the time I realized what was happening I was plunging down into the waters below.

I think I heard one of my crewmen scream. But I knew what I was doing. Of course I know what I was doing. Why would they think I didn't? The water gave me a secret. It told me remarkable things. It was well worth having the sadness seep into my clothes and the tears of this evening.

Once I had recomposed myself, I went back onto the docks and learned what I could of the place, beyond the comings and goings of ships. The Unmaker, the man in charge of dismantling the sphinx, said he would consign a delivery of sphinxstone to me, if I had the echos for a deposit; said they'd pay well in London. I had the echos, and the hold space, and told them to wheel the stones aboard.

With our hold full of stone, we headed north-west, towards London proper.

December 28th, 1887 -

Sailed through the Corsair's Forest without seeing a single pirate ship. This is problematic, in its way. I was relying on a 'donation' or two from pirates to stretch our fuel supply a little. Instead, we will have to simply return to London with our deck light off. It should only be about another day and a half – no problem at all.

December 30th, 1887 -

We arrived in London mid-morning. The crew was all glad, I think, to be back in the comforting light of Wolfstack harbor, and while they were all eager to go running off and do whatever they do when they aren't working for me, first, they had to help me unload the Sphinxstone. The Special Constables visited our ship on their own, for a 'random search', fortunately – and sent for the man to collect it.

I then released my crew to their proclivities, and checked in with the harbor master. It seemed another poor, yet well-qualified, soul was interested in joining our little crew; meeting him took top priority.

He was a very... Energetic man. I am certain he will keep the crew on their toes, if his experiments don't sink us.

The Irrepressible Cannoneer is my favorite officer. He's just so... Enthusiastic.

Once he started to get settled, I went ashore to go meet a scholar of my acquaintance. I used to be rather well-known around Benthic University, and I happen to know the location of the Office of Marine Acquisitions. I went today and introduced myself to the Alarming Scholar, a the rather unusual individual who runs the office.

The Alarming Scholar is useful. He (She?) will buy various items from you that you can't sell normally at the Wolfstack exchange. Some are totally worth it, others you should hold on to – for example, the three basic stories – Zee-stories, Tales of Terror, and Memories of Distant Shores – only sell for 10 echos each. Which is 100% not worth it. But...

As far as I know, you cannot get a Macaw of Memories. Tragic, isn't it?

The Scholar paid good echos for quite a few things; with this money – and the money I collected turning in my port reports to the admiralty – I decided it was time to give the Correspondence a small upgrade. With all the danger we had encountered, I figured having slightly better armaments wouldn't go wrong.

So having MUCH better ones would be even better.

For comparison, or previous gun had a base damage of 8. This will help immensely.

While I was shopping, I was approached by a unusual individual. He had the air of a dreamer about him, but his eyes were sharp, and he told me he needed a zee-captain to retrieve things for him from distant ports, as part of some plan. I don't know what he'd do with mutersalt or the devilbone dice, but either way, he's willing to pay quite a premium for them.

The merchant here shows up any time you're in London after day 10. He's always looking for one of two sets of goods. Almost all of them can be got from some other port and sold here and a huge profit. Once you fulfill enough contracts, he'll have another job for you – but we'll get there when we get there!

Both Wither and Mt. Palmerstone lie to the north – And would not be too difficult to get too, I reckon. The dice, especially, would be an excellent profit.

Once my crew return, we will depart immediately.